Thursday, October 27, 2011

Character Description

My Great Dad

My dad’s eyes are like two sparkly brown eyes. My dad is bald like a bowling ball. He has light, brown skin. My dad is quite tall and chubby like a koala. He is like a cheeky foolish monkey. My dad snores so loud that everyone in the house can hear him. My dad enjoys rugby. My dad is very nice because he buys me warm clothes.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Auckland Art Gallery Trip

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On a sunny Monday the whole middle school drove to the Auckland art gallery. We went to see the new bit of the gallery.
Our group went to see the first painting in the art gallery. It was dry like the desert and it looked like it had a bridge getting built.
Next the guide showed us a very old painting. It was a very big boat that was falling apart. There was no food or water in it. All the people were starving except one person that had a lot of energy because he could see New Zealand. It looked like most of the men were dead. It was a dark stormy night and it was cold. They had no clothes on and there was a big wave coming.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Market day

On Friday we had Black Out day to support the All Blacks. We all wore black. Well almost all of us. We had a parade and some of the people looked fantastic especially some of the teachers. They wore black, curly wigs with the All Blacks flag wrapped around their body like a cape. They gave out prizes to the best dressed children and teacher.

After that we had market day. I got 5 dollars to spend. Room 16 had ice blocks. They were yum,yum. Rm 17 had jelly, Rm 18 had pop corn, Rm 19 had anzac biscuits, Rm 21 had chocolate crackles. I liked the crackles, they came with flags.

My little brother

My little brother's name is Jesse and he is 3 years old. He has messy hair and creepy hazel eyes. He always wants to play with me but some times he can get very angry. Sometimes he goes on the computer and goes on my account and deletes my movies and games.

My Grandad

My grandad was in the war and came out alive. My grandad has lots of scars and medals from the war.My grandad was in the war against Vietnam.He is really short like a tree stump and is almost bald.He has dark brown eyes,lots of wrinkles and he's pretty chubby. He's the kind of grandad that wants to get out side and enjoy the outdoors.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Character description

Mrs. Sowden is a teacher at Manurewa Central School. Mrs. Sowden was born in Otahuhu and went to Rotorua when she was 6 years old. At school in Rotorua, Mrs. Sowden was accidently sent in her brother’s class. When Mrs. Sowden was fourteen they moved to Gisborne. At Gisborne, there were lots of beaches so after school Mrs. Sowden went to the shimmering beach. She stayed in Gisborne for a while and came to Auckland to learn to be a teacher. And that’s when she came to our school.
Mrs. Sowden is a kind and happy person because she always plans trips for the whole middle school but sometimes she can be growly when kids are being naughty.
Mrs. Sowden has curly blond hair like gold. Mrs. Sowden has a happy red cheerful smile. Her eyes are large and shiny as diamonds cleaned in fresh water. Mrs. Sowden’s as tall as two meter rulers stuck together. She’s as skinny as our white shelves.
Mrs. Sowden loves sewing and she’s got a sewing machine at school. Wow!!! You know Mrs. Sowden loves cooking whenever she cooks you can smell the delicious smell of food everywhere in the middle school. She loves gardening and she’s got her own three gardens. Cool!!!
Mrs. Sowden rocks!!!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Making Butter

Question: What happens when we shake cream?

Equipment: 500 ml cream, 3 glass jars with lids.

Method: We poured the cream into 3 jars until they were each about 1/3 full. We put the lids on tightly.

Next we took turns shaking the jars vigorously. After a while the cream turned into whipped cream. We kept on shaking the jars. Soon, the cream started to separate into watery milk and lumpy cream. We kept shaking the jars up and down hard until we could hear the water sloshing around and the cream had turned into butter.
The watery milk was buttermilk and the solid part was butter. We drained the buttermilk into another container.

We then spread the butter on freshly baked bread, then spread some jam on top of the butter. We all enjoyed a slice of delicious bread, butter and jam.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Milk and Detergent Experiment

On Tuesday Room 16 did an experiment about milk and detergent. Firstly we poured some dark blue topped milk into a plastic container. Next we put two drops of rose pink food colouring into the milk. Then Mrs. Armitage sucked some detergent in a straw but it didn’t go in her mouth. Then she let Evaine drop a tiny bit of detergent on the rose pink food coloring. Amazingly the food colouring started making patterns in the milk. Later we started doing the same thing with cream but the food coloring went slower on the cream. The detergent molecules didn’t know which way to go because they were attracted to water and fat at the same time. The detergent moved slower in the cream because there is more fat in cream than in milk.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Yeast Experiment

Ingredients: Yeast, sugar, warm water.
Equipment: bottle and balloon
Clean the bottle.
Put 2 tablespoons of warm water into the bottle.
Add 2 tablespoons of yeast to the bottle.
Put 1 teaspoon of sugar into the bottle.
Mix it together.
Put the balloon on top of the bottle.
Let the yeast and sugar rest by a sunny window sill.

Results: The balloon rose up because of the yeast, sugar and warm water. It created a carbon dioxide gas!

Milk Experiment

Milk Experiment

Question: Can we get the water out of milk?

Hypothesis: We don’t think we can get the water out of milk.

Equipment: 1 cup of milk, 1 Electric frying pan.

Method: First we turned on the frying pan. Then we poured our 1 cup of milk onto the pan. After that we put the lid on. Some steam rose up. When the steam hit the lid it turned back to water. Then we took the lid off and left the pan on a low heat.

Result: Water turned to steam and evaporated. After about an hour the milk turned solid.

Conclusion: Our hypothesis was wrong. We could get the water out of the milk.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Visit to the Sikh Temple

On a bright sunny Wednesday, Rooms16, 17 and 20 went to the temple to learn about food.

First we met a person called Raj. Then we had to put turbans on. Raj had a little presentation about Sikhism. We watched a fighting video and learnt about Sikh people. For us it was cool.

After that, some people were playing music with instruments. It was loud. Did you know the holy book had 1628 pages? A person put food by the holy book and they closed the curtains, so we couldn’t see.

Raj said to come down stairs and eat some food. We were very excited. We had to wait until they brought around the food. It was delicious. We had some curry, roti, kier, dahl and there was some sweet rice. The plates were made out of steel. That was unusual for most of us. Some Indian people were wearing turbans. After we had ate our delicious food we had a look around the temple. There were white mats on the carpet so the sticky food wouldn’t stick to the carpet.

Afterwards Raj said that we have to sit in a line. Raj said that you don’t have to be an Indian to come to the temple and now some people come like us.

We had a glorious day at the temple. If you go to the temple remember these things; take off your shoes and cover your hair as a mark of respect.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Arbor Day

Yesterday we celebrated Arbor Day. The trees we planted were called Magnolia trees. To help the trees grow we put in sheep pellets.

We need trees so we can breathe and so that insects have homes. Also, if you live near or by the motorway you will hardly hear much sound because trees outside your house will block the noise. Also trees produce glorious, beautiful flowers that we see. The trees also give us oxygen that we breathe in. They make it good for the environment.

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Monday, May 16, 2011

Auckland Zoo

Our Cool Auckland Zoo Trip

On Tuesday Rooms 17, 19, and 16 drove on an awesome bendy bus to the amazing Auckland Zoo to learn about the loss of habitat for endangered animals.

First John the zoo educator took as in to a zoo classroom. We looked on a Smart board at endangered animals like kiwis and tigers. Did you know that if a Turtle got out of his shell it would die? We patted a blue tongue lizard, it was awesome. It felt scaley and soft. We looked at a snake skin. Taylor opened its mouth. It had 50 teeth. Did you know that an elephant has 4000 muscles?

Next we went to Pridelands. I drew an ostrich and a chicken. We saw a giraffe poo. We saw an ostrich put his head over the fence to eat some huge long green grass. Then we went to see the wee red panda. Also we saw a star tortoise getting hot by a massive heater. It looked like someone could get killed by the spikes on its back.

Next we saw the tiger enclosure, but they were not there. They were having a shower so we could not see them. Instead we went to the birds and wallaby area. I saw that an emu fur can make leather. I saw a big fat wallaby tummy. It was as fat as a tiger head. I saw a special parrot. It looked like it had a Mohawk.

Next we went to the orangutans. We were laughing hard out because the orangutan was climbing down with his blanket. He put it over himself and went to sleep.

I led the way to the meercats. We went in the very black dark meercats tunnel. We got up in the foggy window but we could not see anything. After that we found the spider monkeys. They were making loud noises while they were swinging along the rope. When they breathed a big bubble came up. It was so weird that I laughed and laughed.

Then we went to see a tortoise. It was huge and old, plus disgusting and it was struggling to carry its shell. It looked heavy. Next we saw a tuatara. It was blending in with its surroundings.

Last of all it was fun!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Animal Families Poems

Read some of our Animal Families Poems!
If you want to see more come and have a look on the wall in Room 16.

My Mum is like a turtle because she is so slow.
My Dad is like a lion because he roars like one.
My brother is like a sea lion because he likes to do tricks.
My cousin is like a kangaroo because he likes to jump a lot.
My poppa is like a sloth because he sleeps a lot.
My grandpa is like a bird because he likes to build things.
I am like a cheetah because I don't stop playing!

My mum is like a panda because she sleeps during the day.
My dad is like a buffalo because be's very rough.
My brother is like a manta ray because he glides through the water.
My nana is like a lion because she snores like one.
I am like a shark because I'm a carnivore!

My mum is like a koala bear because she loves to cuddle.
My dad is like a cheetah because he runs really fast.
My brother is like a sloth because he likes sleeping and he is slow.
My cousins are like horses because they like galloping around their house.
I am like a fish because I love spending time in the water, cold or warm!

My mum is like a cheetah because she is scary.
My dad is like a dog because he scares cats away.
My sister is like a shark because she bites hard.
My sister is like a rat because she runs fast.
I am like a monkey because I like to climb trees!

My mum is like a tiger because she roars a lot.
My dad is like a lion because he snores.
My sister is like a cat because she does cat noises.
My brother is like a koala because he's soft.
I am like a frog because I jump on the trampoline a lot!

My mum is like a turtle because she is very slow.
My dad is like a giraffe because he is tall.
My brother is like a sealion because he hits and slaps.
My uncle is like a dog because he likes digging for things.
My aunty is like an elephant because she is big and very warm.
I like a cheetah because I am the fastest runner in the family!

My mum is like a lion because she is fast.
My dad is like a shark because he eats lots of meat.
My sister is like a monkey because she climbs trees.
My cousin is like an elephant because he stomps a lot.
I am like a duck because I like swimming!

My mum is like a sloth because she sleeps in too long.
My dad is like a guinea pig because he's always quiet.
My cousin is like a beaver because his front teeth stick out.
My brother is like a tiger because he blends in so he's hard to spot.
My sister is like a giraffe because she loves eating plants and she's really tall.
I'm like a gorilla because I'm really strong!

My mum is like a soft lion because she cuddles me.
My dad is like a dog because he growls at me a lot.
My cousin is like a monkey because he is silly and hits me with paperballs.
My baby cousin is like a cheetah because he runs really fast.
I am like a butterfly because I love flowers!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Unicycle Champions!

These year 6 boys started learning to ride unicycles at the beginning of this year. From very tentative beginnings, they have perservered throughout the term, achieving the impressive level of skill demonstrated in the Term 1 Unicycle competition. The boys had to display a range of skills including speed, endurance and agility. It was a very closely fought competition with the overall Term 1 championship going to David!

Saturday, April 9, 2011


School finishes on Friday 15 April and starts back on Monday 2 May. Have a great holiday!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Shearing Sheep

Today one of the teachers brought 2 sheep to school to show the children how sheep dogs round up sheep and a sheep shearing demonstration.

Letters to Mr Thew

Mr Thew asked the children to write him a letter about what they liked to do in the weekends. Here are a few of their letters.

Dear Mr. Thew

On sunny bright Saturdays my most favourite thing to do is going to Totara Park for bushwalks with my dog Hunter, my mum, my dad, my brother, my cousin, my aunty and my uncle. I like it there because there are lots and lots of trees and flowers. Also, I love hearing lots of different types of birds like sparrows and blackbirds. When we’re out I sometimes feel free and like I’m flying up, up and away into the clouds with the wonderful breeze, but unfortunately I’m not. The most favourite thing for me is to smell the fresh breeze gliding through my face like a hot air balloon landing on the ground. The other thing I like is feeling and touching the beautiful extraordinary nature!!!

Yours sincerely,

Dear Mr. Thew

On a sunny day my mother and I go to the Hill Rd park. I also bring my scooter and go down an amazing long curvy hill! To feel the wind stroking my hair. Eventually I stop to have some food. After, I go on the playground and go on the slide it’s so big. Once I’m up there I go straight down to feel the lovely breeze in my face. It went super fast. I imagined that I was swimming in the beach. Because the wind was crazy! I went on there ten times!!! It was surprisingly really FUN!!!

Yours sincerely

Dear Mr Thew

On an awesome weekend, my uncle and aunty drove me and my brother to the museum. It was
as big as a space rocket. I liked the dinosaur bones the most. When I saw the TRex I got frightened.

After that I saw the samurai sword. It was as sharp as a stegosaurus thorn. They are so sharp they could easily kill you.

Yours sincerely


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Room 16

Upcoming Events

Friday 11th March 11am - Middle School Swimming Sports.

Monday 7th March - Junior and Middle School Meet the Teacher evening.

Tuesday 22nd March - Zoo trip. Rooms 16, 17 and 19.

Swimming Pool Update

Our swimming pool is still out of action. It needed a part from Christchurch! Hopefully it will be working again by Friday.