Sunday, September 18, 2011

Character description

Mrs. Sowden is a teacher at Manurewa Central School. Mrs. Sowden was born in Otahuhu and went to Rotorua when she was 6 years old. At school in Rotorua, Mrs. Sowden was accidently sent in her brother’s class. When Mrs. Sowden was fourteen they moved to Gisborne. At Gisborne, there were lots of beaches so after school Mrs. Sowden went to the shimmering beach. She stayed in Gisborne for a while and came to Auckland to learn to be a teacher. And that’s when she came to our school.
Mrs. Sowden is a kind and happy person because she always plans trips for the whole middle school but sometimes she can be growly when kids are being naughty.
Mrs. Sowden has curly blond hair like gold. Mrs. Sowden has a happy red cheerful smile. Her eyes are large and shiny as diamonds cleaned in fresh water. Mrs. Sowden’s as tall as two meter rulers stuck together. She’s as skinny as our white shelves.
Mrs. Sowden loves sewing and she’s got a sewing machine at school. Wow!!! You know Mrs. Sowden loves cooking whenever she cooks you can smell the delicious smell of food everywhere in the middle school. She loves gardening and she’s got her own three gardens. Cool!!!
Mrs. Sowden rocks!!!

1 comment:

  1. You have organised your ideas very well and used some super descriptive language.
    Mrs A.
