What is a Blog?

So what is a Blog? Well a Blog is an on-line website where children can access, exchange and receive information from myself, their classmates and from other people around the world and share their work and learning.
We can use the Blog to:
  • Share resources and access on-line learning activities
  • Share students work and learning
  • Provide up to date information on what is happening in Room 16
  • Communicate with parents and the wider world
  • Provide opportunities for students to learn outside the classroom
  • Learn new ICT skills
  • Provide motivation, excitement and fun!
As you can see the Blog is an amazing tool which has huge potential to enhance children’s learning.
Internet safety is also an important aspect regarding our Blog.  The school has guidelines which we will go over  in class. It is importand that you supervise and share your childrens' online experiences. Leaving comments will enhance student, school, parent and community communication.

I look forward to a year full of fun, excitement and Blogging!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.