Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Auckland Art Gallery Trip

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On a sunny Monday the whole middle school drove to the Auckland art gallery. We went to see the new bit of the gallery.
Our group went to see the first painting in the art gallery. It was dry like the desert and it looked like it had a bridge getting built.
Next the guide showed us a very old painting. It was a very big boat that was falling apart. There was no food or water in it. All the people were starving except one person that had a lot of energy because he could see New Zealand. It looked like most of the men were dead. It was a dark stormy night and it was cold. They had no clothes on and there was a big wave coming.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Market day

On Friday we had Black Out day to support the All Blacks. We all wore black. Well almost all of us. We had a parade and some of the people looked fantastic especially some of the teachers. They wore black, curly wigs with the All Blacks flag wrapped around their body like a cape. They gave out prizes to the best dressed children and teacher.

After that we had market day. I got 5 dollars to spend. Room 16 had ice blocks. They were yum,yum. Rm 17 had jelly, Rm 18 had pop corn, Rm 19 had anzac biscuits, Rm 21 had chocolate crackles. I liked the crackles, they came with flags.

My little brother

My little brother's name is Jesse and he is 3 years old. He has messy hair and creepy hazel eyes. He always wants to play with me but some times he can get very angry. Sometimes he goes on the computer and goes on my account and deletes my movies and games.

My Grandad

My grandad was in the war and came out alive. My grandad has lots of scars and medals from the war.My grandad was in the war against Vietnam.He is really short like a tree stump and is almost bald.He has dark brown eyes,lots of wrinkles and he's pretty chubby. He's the kind of grandad that wants to get out side and enjoy the outdoors.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Character description

Mrs. Sowden is a teacher at Manurewa Central School. Mrs. Sowden was born in Otahuhu and went to Rotorua when she was 6 years old. At school in Rotorua, Mrs. Sowden was accidently sent in her brother’s class. When Mrs. Sowden was fourteen they moved to Gisborne. At Gisborne, there were lots of beaches so after school Mrs. Sowden went to the shimmering beach. She stayed in Gisborne for a while and came to Auckland to learn to be a teacher. And that’s when she came to our school.
Mrs. Sowden is a kind and happy person because she always plans trips for the whole middle school but sometimes she can be growly when kids are being naughty.
Mrs. Sowden has curly blond hair like gold. Mrs. Sowden has a happy red cheerful smile. Her eyes are large and shiny as diamonds cleaned in fresh water. Mrs. Sowden’s as tall as two meter rulers stuck together. She’s as skinny as our white shelves.
Mrs. Sowden loves sewing and she’s got a sewing machine at school. Wow!!! You know Mrs. Sowden loves cooking whenever she cooks you can smell the delicious smell of food everywhere in the middle school. She loves gardening and she’s got her own three gardens. Cool!!!
Mrs. Sowden rocks!!!